The New Evangelization Today
23/04/2013 - 25/04/2013 (Save to cal)
Alma - 1965 Michigan Avenue, Alma, Michigan (USA)
Helping People to Enter the “Porta Fidei” “Porta Fidei” , the Door of Faith , the Door of Faith
To respond to the increasing need for clarity in medical ethics in a society dominated by moral relativism, Sacred Heart Mercy Health Care Clinic sponsors workshops and symposia where leading scholars present on current issues in health care.
This year's Conference is entitled, "The New Evangelization Today: Helping People to Enter the 'Porta Fidei', the Door of Faith" and will be held in Alma from Tuesday, April 23, 2013 through Thursday, April 25, 2013.
categorie/Religiosi | tipologia/convegni | citta/Alma | nazioni/USA