Conference celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Blessed John Paul II’s Apostolic Letter Mulieris Dignitatem
16/03/2013 10:00 AM - 16/03/2013 4:00 PM (Save to cal)
Birmingham - Maryvale Higher Institute of Religious Sciences, Maryvale House, Old Oscott Hill, Birmingham, B44 9AG, United Kingdom. (England)
Living the Language of Love
Blessed John Paul II’s “Theology of the Body” and the language of God’s love in Natural Family Planning and Naprotechnology
A one-day Conference celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Blessed John Paul II’s Apostolic Letter Mulieris Dignitatem on the Dignity and Vocation of Women.
Speakers are:
Dr William Newton, Professor of Theology, International Theological Institute, Austria.
Mrs. Colleen Norman, Natural Family Planning Practitioner.
Dr Anne Carus, Naprotechnology Specialist Doctor, Life Clinic, Leamington Spa, England.
To book, please contact Mary Killeen on +44 (0) 121 360 8118 or email
Maryvale Higher Institute of Religious Sciences, Maryvale House, Old Oscott Hill, Birmingham, B44 9AG United Kingdom.