The Role of Formators in the Service of the New Evagelization
06/07/2013 9:00 AM - 06/07/2013 1:00 PM (Save to cal)
Vatican - Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano, 4 - 00120 Città del Vaticano (Vatican State)
July 6, Aula Magna of the Pontifical Lateran University, Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano, 4
A conference organized in conjunction with the Pilgrimage to the Tomb of Peter of Seminarians, Novices, and those on a Vocational Journey (July 4-7, 2013)
The last Synod on the New Evangelization for the transmission of the Christian faith had emphasized that “seminaries should take as their focus the New Evangelization” thus, unifying the fundamental elements of the formation process (Proposition 49). In light of this affirmtion, we would like to invite you to a Conference entitled, The role of Formators in the service of the New Evangelization which will be held on Saturday, July 6, 2013 at 9:00 am in the Aula Magna of the Pontifical Lateran University (Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano, 4). The Presenter will be Archbishop Rino Fisichella, President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization.
This event is being held in conjunction with The Pilgrimage to the Tomb of Peter of Seminarians, Novices and those on a Vocational Journey (July 4-7, 2013), which has been organized as a part of the Year of Faith celebrations to be held in Rome. However, since theHall where the Conference will be held has very limited seating, it will be necessary for everyone participating to register at the following email address no later than April 30, 2013:
Please provide the following personal information: last name, first name, diocese or religious community to which you belong, position, mailing address and telephone number. Priority will be given to those who are involved in the formation of candidates to the priesthood or to the religious life in its diverse charisms.