Great Event of the year of the faith:
Canonization of Martyrs and Confessors of the faith
21/10/2012 (Save to cal)
Vatican City - St. Peter square (Vatican State)
• The first event of the Year of Faith will be the Canonization of the Six Martyrs and Confessors of the Faith on Sunday, October 21. The sign value is evident from what was written in Porta Fidei: “By faith, across the centuries, men and women of all ages, whose names are written in the Book of Life, have confessed the beauty of following the Lord Jesus wherever they were called to bear witness to the fact that they were Christians” (Pf 13). The following will be canonized: Jacques Barthieu a Jesuit priest and missionary martyred in Madagascar (1896); Peter Calungsod, a lay catechist martyred in the Philippines (1672); Giovanni Battista Piamarta, a priest who gave witness to the faith in the education of the youth (1913); Mother Marianne (Barbara Cope) who gave witness to the faith in caring for those with leprosy in Molokai (1918); Maria del Monte Carmelo, a religious from Spain (1911); Kateri Tekakwitha, a Native American laywoman who converted to the Catholic faith (1680); and Anna Schaffer, a Bavarian laywoman, who gave witness to the love of Christ from the bed of suffering (1925). We will, therefore, reflect and pray upon these witnesses who, because of the heroism of their lives, are designated by the Church as examples of living faith.
nazioni | nazioni/StatodellaCittàdelVaticano | tipologia/liturgie | categorie/chiesa universale | rino-fisichella | citta | citta/StatodellaCittadelVaticano | anno-fede | benedetto-xvi | benedetto-xvi/omelie | PontificioConsiglioPromozioneNuovaEvangelizzazione | categorie/grandieventi