In the Holy Land at Mary His Mother
17/11/2013 (Save to cal)
Nazareth - Nazareth, Mount Precipice (Israel)
In the Holy Land at Mary His Mother
The Italian Church in Nazareth to celebrate the Year of Faith with the Holy Land Church on the footsteps of Jesus and Mary His Mother.Sunday,17 November 2013 will be a special occasion to celebrate the Year of Faith in the Holy Land. The day programme includes the Eucharistic Celebration at Mount Precipice in Nazareth (10.30) followed by some initiatives, among which:
- A concert of spiritual nature;
- The possibility of visiting all the Holy Sites in Nazareth;
- Visit at Mary of Nazareth Centre;
- Visit at the site of Magdala;
- Torchlight procession in Nazareth towards the Church of the Annunciation (5.00 pm).
Please come back later on this page to get further details about this event.
citta/Nazareth | nazioni/Israele | tipologia/liturgie | tipologia/concerti