IV Theology of the Body International Symposium Verbum caro factum est
13/06/2013 (Save to cal)
Fatima - Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fátima, Apartado 31 - 2496-908 Fátima, Portugal (Portugal)
This Symposium is an answer to the words of His Holiness when, speaking about the Year of Faith, he specifically referred the “whole wealth of documents given to us by Pope John Paul II, still far from being fully explored” as guides to what the Church believes on the basis of God’s word (Pope Benedict XVI, Homily for the Chrism Mass, Holy Thursday, 5 April 2012). For further information about the previous symposia please refer to www.tobinternationalsymposia.com
citta/Fatima | nazioni/Portogallo | categorie/movimenti-associazioni | tipologia/convegni