Great Event of the year of the faith:
Day for the Movements, the Associations, and the Lay Associations

18/05/2013 - 19/05/2013 (Save to cal)

Vatican City - St. Peter square  (Vatican State)

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I Believe! Increase the faith within us

Pilgrimage of the Movements and the Lay Associations to the Tomb of the Apostle Peter

Rome, May 18-19, 2013


The registration of individual groups of the various movements, associations and lay associations for this event must be done through each organization’s Central Head. The Organizing Secretariat for the Year of Faith will not accept registrations submitted by individual groups but only those applications submitted by the Central Head of each ecclesial institution.

To contact the Organizing Secretariat please use the following email address which has been dedicated to the Pilgrimage of the movements, associations, and lay associations.

The Organizing Secretariat will provide each Central Head with all of the details regarding registration.

Città:   Indirizzo:
Lat: Lng:

anno-fede | benedetto-xvi | benedetto-xvi/omelie | categorie/chiesa universale | citta | citta/StatodellaCittadelVaticano | conferenzeepiscopali | PontificioConsiglioPromozioneNuovaEvangelizzazione | nazioni | nazioni/StatodellaCittàdelVaticano | rino-fisichella | tipologia | tipologia/liturgie | categorie/grandieventi


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Saturday, MAY 18


St. Peter’s Basilica

7:00 until 12:00

Pilgrimage to the Tomb of the Apostle Peter



St. Peter’s Square

3:00              Introduction to the Event

4:00              Welcome

Music and testimonies

5:00            Reflections                                                                 

Testimonies, reflections and prayer in preparation to meet the successor of the Apostle Peter

6:00              Meeting with the Holy Father                             



Sunday, MAY 19


St. Peter’s Square

10:00           Holy Mass celebrated by the Holy Father