Article For the promulgation of the Motu Proprio "Fides per Doctrinam"

Article For the promulgation of the Motu Proprio
            Pope Benedict XVI, in his homily at the inaugural Mass of the recent Synod of Bishops, affirmed that the New Evangelization become part of the ordinary pastoral activity of the Church with the aim of awakening in every baptized person the awareness of being a bearer of the Gospel.  For this to occur, there needs to be a serious and systematic Christian formation which unifies faith and everyday life.  It is only in...

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Why the Year of Faith

The right of God over what is his own Why the Year of Faith? The question is not rhetorical and deserves an answer, especially in the face of the great expectation which is being recorded in the Church for such an event. Benedict XVI gave a first motivation when he announced the indiction: “The mission of the Church, like that of Christ, is essentially to speak of God, to remember his sovereignty, to remind all, especially Christians who have lost their own identity, of the right of God to...

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We need new evangelizers, S.E.R. Archbishop Rino Fisichella

We need new evangelizers, S.E.R. Archbishop Rino Fisichella
(Vatican Radio) “We cannot conduct a new evangelisation without new evangelizers”, said Archbishop Rino Fisichella Thursday as he opened a three day conference on New Evangelisation in down town Sydney, Australia. As keynote speaker at Proclaim 2012, the President of the Vatican Council for New Evangelisation spoke of the decline of the faith in Europe and western societies, which, he said, cannot be stemmed by a “reform of structures” but only by a personal encounter with the Risen Christ. He...

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Jesus at the heart of New Evangelization, S.E.R. Archbishop Rino Fisichella

Jesus at the heart of New Evangelization, S.E.R. Archbishop Rino Fisichella
(Vatican Radio) Proclaim 2012 has drawn to an end in Sydney Australia with a call from Archbishop Rino Fisichella, president of the Pontifical Council for New Evangelisation, to "put Jesus at the heart" of all efforts in New Evangelisation. The three day conference was organised by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference. In his closing remarks, Archbishop Fisichella said: “From both Scripture and Tradition, we can see that the path of the new evangelization has been marked out: we...

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The right of God over what is his own, S.E.R. Archbishop Rino Fisichella

The right of God over what is his own, S.E.R. Archbishop Rino Fisichella
2012-05-15 L’Osservatore Romano Why the Year of Faith? The question is not rhetorical and deserves an answer, especially in the face of the great expectation which is being recorded in the Church for such an event. Benedict XVI gave a first motivation when he announced the indiction: “The mission of the Church, like that of Christ, is essentially to speak of God, to remember his sovereignty, to remind all, especially Christians who have lost their own identity, of the right of God to what...

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The timeliness of the proclamation, S.E.R. Archbishop Rino Fisichella

The timeliness of the proclamation, S.E.R. Archbishop Rino Fisichella
2012-08-10 L’Osservatore Romano The following is the intervention of the President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization at the first national conference "Proclaim 2012" on the new evangelization in Chatswood, Australia.   In the very first line of his Motu Proprio, Ubicumque et Semper, which officially established the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization, Pope Benedict XVI draws the attention of all to the person of Jesus Christ. “It...

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"Road map" for pastoral care of migrants in europe

Vatican City, 29 November 2012 (VIS) – The meeting of the “Caritas in Veritate” Commission of the Council of European Episcopal Conferences (CCEE), held in Rome on the theme of “A Pastoral of Communion for a Renewed Evangelisation” concluded today with  the presentation of a “road map” by the Section for pastoral care of migrants. The conference was held over three days, from 27 to 29 November, during which more than forty bishops and national directors for the pastoral care of...

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Rino Fisichella: The beauty of the iPad age

Rino Fisichella: The beauty of the iPad age
2013-02-22 L’Osservatore Romano The path of beauty meanders through the whole of humanity's history. A mere phenomenological description would clearly show that in addition to their intention to communicate the living experience, the graffiti to be found in the caves of our distant forebears show a man bent on contemplating the work of his hands.  He could not of course be content with this alone. What he created by intelligently rubbing a stone on the rock face wall of the cave he had...

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